Senior's Ministry
Service Times: Sunday - 10:30am and Wednesday - 6:30pm Online LIVE Stream: Sunday - 10:30am
15001 Bailey Cove Road, Huntsville, AL 35803
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Senior's Ministry

Joyful Seniors K Group


If you are 50 or over, this is the group for you.


We have weekly meetings on Wednesday, at 11am, at the church.

- First Wednesday: Grow, in which we send out invitations to new people who have moved into our zip code.
- Second and fourth Wednesday: Bible Study
- Third Wednesday: Senior activity/outing

On the first Tuesday of each month, at 10am, we sponsor a Church service at the Huntsville Health and Rehab nursing home located at 4010 Chris Drive SW, Huntsville AL.
On the third Tuesday of each month, at 10am, we sponsor a Bible Reading time at the Huntsville Health and Rehab nursing home located at 4010 Chris Drive SW, Huntsville AL.
It is a great time for friends to get together as we celebrate life.
Check out the church Event Calendar for details


Seniors Photo Gallery

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